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Safety Snap Hook pursuant to C-DIN 5299

Safety Snap Hook pursuant to C-DIN 5299 | Safetynet365
Safety Snap Hook pursuant to C-DIN 5299 | Safetynet365
Shipping Time: 1-3 working days
Item No.: SN-2016
excl. VAT *1 1,60 € incl. VAT *2 1,90 €
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Safety snap hook regarding to DIN 5299 C to mount construction safety nets. Approved anchorage system for construction safety nets in conformity with EN 1263 and DGUV 101-011.

Please note: Only suitable for fastening at short intervals (maximum of 1.00 m between two snap hooks of this type).


Safety Net DimensionsRequired Number of Snap Hooks*
3.00 x 3.00 m12 pcs.
5.00 x 5.00 m20 pcs.
5.00 x 10.00 m30 pcs.
6.00 x 10.00 m32pcs.
10.00 x 10.00 m40pcs.
7.50 x 15.00 m32 pcs.
8.00 x 25.50 m68 pcs.
12.50 x 20.50 m68 pcs.
12.50 x 25.50 m78 pcs.

* Required quantity of hooks to mount fall safety nets at all four edges (referring to EN 1263).


You can make an exact calculation of the required amount of fasteners according to EN 1263 with the help of our Safety Net Calculator.


Technical Specifications
Dimensions:Outer Edges: 120 x 56 mm,
Inner Diameter of Eye: 17 mm,
Inner Diameter of Hook: 34 mm
Material:steel, galvanised
Material Diameter:Ø 11.0 mm
Type:C-shaped regarding to DIN 5299
Breaking Force:Load Capacity: 450 kg
Standards and Rules:BG regulation no. 179, DGUV standard 101-011, EN 1263-1, DIN 5299
Customs Tariff No.:73182900
Total Weight:0.18 kg

Download product data sheet (PDF)


Our building site nets (fall safety nets, guardrail safety nets) are produced in conformity with the currently valid standards and regulations. The nets are certified in conformity with EN 1263-1, approved by the BauBG (German Building Trade Association) and have a test certificate.


Your satisfaction and safety are very important to us. Regular quality inspections guarantee the high standard of our products. Our nets and fabric are designed to fulfil the most exacting standards and are characterised by their exceptional durability.


Not sure which net thickness is right for your specific purpose or do you perhaps have a different question? Trust our many years' experience and contact us!



Download product data sheet (PDF)


Technical Specifications
Dimensions:Outer Edges: 120 x 56 mm,
Inner Diameter of Eye: 17 mm,
Inner Diameter of Hook: 34 mm
Material:steel, galvanised
Material Diameter:Ø 11.0 mm
Type:C-shaped regarding to DIN 5299
Breaking Force:Load Capacity: 450 kg
Standards and Rules:BG regulation no. 179, DGUV standard 101-011, EN 1263-1, DIN 5299
Customs Tariff No.:73182900
Total Weight:0.18 kg
Safety Snap Hook pursuant to C-DIN 5299 | Safetynet365
Kundenfoto von Safety Snap Hook pursuant to C-DIN 5299
Kundenfoto von Safety Snap Hook pursuant to C-DIN 5299
Kundenfoto von Safety Snap Hook pursuant to C-DIN 5299

Customer Reviews

  -  17/10/2024

.... as a patio sunshade......unfortunately my husband ordered it in a size that was too big because he hadn't taken the crossbeams into account......but changing it was no problem, sent it back with new measurements and received it back within a few days.....everything was great, easy to put up thanks to the screws, and now easy to take down because of the autumn weather.....now well packaged and put away for next spring.........very satisfied....reliable.....nice contact........ translated, original text: ".... als Terassen Sonnenschutz......leider von meinem Mann in einem zu großen Maß bestellt worden, da Querbalken nicht bedacht ......aber eine Maßänderung war kein Problem ,zurück gesandt mit neuer Maßangabe und innerhalb weniger Tage zurück erhalten.....alles Super ,leichtes Anbringen durch die Ösen, und jetzt leichtes Abhängen ,da Herbst Wetter .....nun gut verpackt für den nächsten Frühling weggelegt........ sind sehr zufrieden ....zuverlässig.....netter Kontakt........"

  -  10/08/2017

We use the carabiners to attach our climbing net. The carabiners are large, just right for anchoring the net firmly. Shipping was very quick as usual. The price is unbeatably cheap. Comparable sizes sometimes cost three times as much in the hardware store! So, everything is perfect: The carabiners are very good and also cheap, which is something we Swabians appreciate translated, original text: "Wir nutzen die Karabiner als Befestigung unseres Kletternetzes. Die Karabiner sind groß, genau richtig, um das Netz fest zu verankern. Der Versand war wie gewohnt sehr fix. Der Preis unschlagbar günstig. Vergleichbare Größen kosten im Baumarkt teilweise das dreifache! Also, alles perfekt: Die Karabiner sind sehr gut und dann auch noch günstig, da schauen wir Schwaben drauf"

  -  08/06/2021

We have made our pond child-safe with a safety net using carabiners and ground anchors, among other things. The carabiners are very stable and can be easily attached to the ground anchors so that the safety net can be pulled tight. translated, original text: "Wir haben u.a. mit Karabinern und Erdankern unseren Teich mit einem Schutznetz kindersicher gemacht. Die Karabiner sind sehr stabil und lassen sich hervorragend an den Erdankern befestigen, so dass das Schutznetz straff gespannt werden kann."

  -  26/08/2023

I used the carabiners to attach the thimbles to a hook that is screwed into the wood. Great product translated, original text: "Die Karabiner habe ich zum Befestigen der Kauschen verwendet um sie mit einem Hacken, der in das Holz verschraubt ist verwendet tolles Produkkt"

  -  03/11/2021

We used the carabiners to tighten the net, it holds great. translated, original text: "Wir haben die Karabiner dazu benutzt um das Netz zu spannen,hält super."

  -  23/01/2024

Fall protection! Very stable and trustworthy. translated, original text: "Absturzsicherung! Sehr stabil und Vertrauenserweckend."

  -  09/09/2017

Great quality, delivered quickly too. translated, original text: "Super Qualität, die auch zügig geliefert wird."

  -  25/09/2017

Top quality - great price - fast delivery translated, original text: "Top Qualität - super Preis - schnelle Lieferung"

  -  26/06/2020

Safety net bracket on existing roof. translated, original text: "Schutznetzhalterung an bestehendem Dach."

  -  19/05/2019

Well made - nothing to complain about translated, original text: "Gut verarbeitet - nichts zu beanstanden"

  -  12/04/2017

Good product, delivered on time. translated, original text: "Gute Ware, pünktlich geliefert."

  -  29/06/2020

Great quality. Would buy again. translated, original text: "Super Qualität . Gerne wieder."

  -  25/05/2016

fulfills its purpose very well translated, original text: "erfüllt sehr gut seinen zweck"

  -  20/11/2021

Great quality! translated, original text: "Super Qualität!"

  -  28/05/2019

Super quality translated, original text: "Super Qualität"

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*1 excluding VAT plus shipping charges*2 including VAT plus shipping charges
Contact Us
Schutznetze24 GmbH
Weyerberg 535614Aßlar-BerghausenHessenDE
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