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Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure)

Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Shipping Time: 13-15 working days
Item No.: 720
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excl. VAT *1 31,76 € incl. VAT *2 37,80 €
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High-quality made-to-measure leaf protection tarpaulin for private and industrial use. Choose one of the above colors and enter the desired length and width into the appropriate fields. The surface area, weight and price will then be automatically calculated and shown.


Due to the type of textile it is possible that the material shrinks in the first weeks of use. The net may be produced bigger according to the ordered size. Please also note the stated production tolerance. Our tarpaulins are made of UV-resistant, air-permeable fabric with reinforced border and eyelets at chosen intervals. The value of the eyelet spacing is calculated with tolerance. If the eye clearance is not exactly compatible with the side length, the distance is averaged accordingly. The air-permeable material prevents the tarpaulin from ballooning in strong wind.


The material is of course 100% non-toxic, and contact with mucus membranes (mouth, eyes) is completely safe as well. Thanks to their weather-resistance and UV-stability, our tarpaulins are suitable for both outdoor and indoor use.


Technical Specifications
Type of Textile:closemesh fabric panels, air and water permeable
Mesh Size:1 x 3 mm
Production Tolerance:external dimensions: ± 2.5 cm
Edge Design:with reinforced and stitched edges all around (approx. 40 mm wide)
Eyelets:inside diameter Ø 16 mm, all around, with chosen spacing (standard every 50 cm), (brass eyelets with orange, terracota and cream version, stainless steel eyelets with all the other versions)
Breaking Force:60 daN (according to DIN 53 857/1, average lengthways)
Breaking Elongation of Filament:15%
Certificate:Oeko-Tex® certificate 12.0.02466
Continuous Operating Temperature:-30 to +60 °C
Melting Point:155 °C
Yarn Moisture Regain:0%
Tensile Strength Reduction Because Of Moisture:0%
Resistance to Weak/Strong Acids measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:very good/good
Resistance to Weak/Strong Alkalis measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:good/good
Resistance to Organic Solvents measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:good
Resistance to Benzine and Greases measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:very good
Bending Strength & Abrasion Resistance:good
UV-Resistance:250 kly
Tensile Strength After Two Years of Climatic Influences:90%
Elasticity After Years of Climatic Influences:good long-term flexibility, no elongation
Flexibility When Used in Water:stays flexible
Contraction When Used in Water:low contraction
Contraction When Used Outside:low contraction
Behavior in High Heat / Fire:melting
Electrical Characteristics:isolating, no electrical conductivity
Customs Tariff No.:63079010
Area Density:200 g/m²

Download product data sheet (PDF)


Your satisfaction and safety are very important to us. Regular quality inspections guarantee the high standard of our products. Our nets and fabric are designed to fulfil the most exacting standards and are characterised by their exceptional durability.


Not sure which net thickness is right for your specific purpose or do you perhaps have a different question? Trust our many years' experience and contact us!


Download product data sheet (PDF)


Technical Specifications
Type of Textile:closemesh fabric panels, air and water permeable
Mesh Size:1 x 3 mm
Production Tolerance:external dimensions: ± 2.5 cm
Edge Design:with reinforced and stitched edges all around (approx. 40 mm wide)
Eyelets:inside diameter Ø 16 mm, all around, with chosen spacing (standard every 50 cm), (brass eyelets with orange, terracota and cream version, stainless steel eyelets with all the other versions)
Breaking Force:60 daN (according to DIN 53 857/1, average lengthways)
Breaking Elongation of Filament:15%
Certificate:Oeko-Tex® certificate 12.0.02466
Continuous Operating Temperature:-30 to +60 °C
Melting Point:155 °C
Yarn Moisture Regain:0%
Tensile Strength Reduction Because Of Moisture:0%
Resistance to Weak/Strong Acids measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:very good/good
Resistance to Weak/Strong Alkalis measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:good/good
Resistance to Organic Solvents measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:good
Resistance to Benzine and Greases measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:very good
Bending Strength & Abrasion Resistance:good
UV-Resistance:250 kly
Tensile Strength After Two Years of Climatic Influences:90%
Elasticity After Years of Climatic Influences:good long-term flexibility, no elongation
Flexibility When Used in Water:stays flexible
Contraction When Used in Water:low contraction
Contraction When Used Outside:low contraction
Behavior in High Heat / Fire:melting
Electrical Characteristics:isolating, no electrical conductivity
Customs Tariff No.:63079010
Area Density:200 g/m²
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Kundenfoto von Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure)
Kundenfoto von Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure)
Kundenfoto von Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure)
Kundenfoto von Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure)
Kundenfoto von Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure)
Kundenfoto von Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure)
Kundenfoto von Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure)
Kundenfoto von Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure)
Kundenfoto von Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure)
Kundenfoto von Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure)
Kundenfoto von Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure)
Kundenfoto von Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure)
Kundenfoto von Leaf Protection Fabric by the m² (Made to Measure)

Customer Reviews

  -  01/01/2023

We used our protective net as a front cover for our homemade bike shed and inserted it into round hooks that were turned downwards, which meant that the protective net could easily be folded back up onto the roof and just as easily hung again over the round hooks on the side and gently tightened. This resulted in a clean cover that was completely adequately wind and weather-resistant and which has protected our bikes perfectly so far. In addition, the choice of color matched the protective coating on the shed perfectly. translated, original text: "Wir haben unser Schutznetz als Frontabdeckung für unseren selbstgebauten Fahrradschuppen verwendet und die Ösen in nach unten gedrehte Rundhaken eingesetzt, wodurch sich das Schutznetz problemlos nach oben auf das Dach zurückschlagen lässt und ebenso leicht wieder über die seitlich angebrachten Rundhaken einhängen und sanft spannen lässt. Dadurch ergibt sich eine saubere, Wind und Wetter völlig ausreichend abweisende Abdeckung, die unsere Fahrräder bislang perfekt geschützt hat. Zudem passte die Farbauswahl perfekt zum Schutzanstrich des Schuppens."

  -  01/11/2020

Leaf protection tarpaulin is used as a protective net over the normal cover floating on the water of the swimming pool.
Was delivered exactly to my measurements and tied around the pool with the rubber cord I ordered. Execution of the order was very satisfactory.
Quality and purpose of fulfillment can only be determined in spring. Leaves and other dirt are kept out well while rainwater runs off through the small mesh.
 translated, original text: "Laubschutzplane wird verwendet als Schutznetz über die normale Abdeckung flottierend auf dem Wasser des Schwimmbades.
Wurde genau nach meinen Massen geliefert und mit bestelltem Gummiseil rund um Pool festgeschnürt. Ausführung der Bestellung sehr zufriedenstellend.
Qualität und Erfüllungszweck kann erst im Frühling festgestellt werden. Laub und anderer Schmutz wird gut abgehalten während Regenwasser durch
die kleinen Maschen abläuft."

  -  06/10/2017

I intended the protective tarpaulin as a cover for my pool. The product presentation was very good, as was the telephone advice from the company. The order arrived on time and exactly as I specified. The tarpaulin fulfills its purpose 100%. I would buy this product from Safetynet365 again, I am very satisfied with it and can only recommend it. translated, original text: "Ich habe die Schutzplane als Abdeckung für meinen Pool vorgesehen. Die Produktvorstellung war sehr gut, ebenso wie die telefonische Beratung durch die Firma. Die Bestellung kam pünktlich und passgenau nach meinen Angaben. Die Plane erfüllt ihren Einsatzweck zu 100%. Ich würde dieses Produkt bei Schutznetze 24 wieder kaufen, bin sehr zufrieden damit und dass dieses nur empfehlen."

  -  03/10/2023

The safety net is suitable as a swimming pool cover. Even in this size, it is easy to handle and covers the area well. It is water-permeable, but keeps out larger amounts of dirt. It remains to be seen whether it prevents the formation of algae. To prevent the safety net from sagging, thin steel cables were stretched criss-cross in the pool. translated, original text: "Das Schutznetz ist geeignet als Schwimmbadabdeckung. Es ist auch in dieser Größe gut handhabbar und deckt die Fläche gut ab. Es ist wasserdurchlässig, hält aber größere Verschmutzungen ab. Ob es die Algenbildung verhindert, muss man sehen. Damit das Schutznetz nicht Durchhänger, wurden dünne Stahlseile kreuz und quer im Pool gespannt."

  -  03/07/2016

The tarpaulin is exactly as we imagined and fits perfectly. We are very happy with the design. The quality and workmanship are very good. Ordering online was very easy and the delivery arrived on the promised date. We will definitely order again if we need another tarpaulin. translated, original text: "Die Schutzplane ist genauso, wie wir uns das vorgestellt haben und passt genau. Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit der Ausführung. Die Qualität und die Verarbeitung sind sehr gut. Die Bestellung im Internet war sehr einfach und die Lieferung kam zum angekündigten Zeitpunkt. Wir werden sicher wieder bestellen, sollten wir noch eine Plane brauchen."

  -  17/07/2018

We use the protective net as a coarse filter behind a pond skimmer. It reliably collects algae, leaves and whatever else falls into the pond. If the algae clog the net, it becomes stressed and hangs with a lot of weight on the factory-fitted eyes. This is more stress than the manufacturer intended, but the net can withstand it! translated, original text: "Das Schutznetz wird bei uns als Grobfilter hinter einem Teich Skimmer eingesetzt. Es sammelt zuverlässig Algen, Laub und was sonst noch in den Teich fällt. Wenn die Algen das Netz verstopfen bekommt es Stress und hängt mit viel Gewicht an den werkseitigen Ösen. Das ist mehr Belastung als vom Hersteller vorgesehen, das Netz hält es aus!"

  -  18/07/2019

Quality of the net is very good - I use the net to protect my above ground pool against dirt.
The net allows rainwater to drain into the pool and still keeps dirt at bay - it is therefore very easy to remove surface dirt from the pool with the net and to clean the net.

Clear recommendation
 translated, original text: "Qualität des Netzes sehr gut - verwende das Netz um meinen Aufstell-Pool gegen Schmutz zu schützen.
Das Netz erlaubt Regenwasser in den Pool abzulaufen und hält trotzdem Verschmutzungen zurück - es ist damit sehr einfach möglich, den Oberflächenschmutz mit dem Netz vom Pool abzunehmen und dass Netz zu reinigen.

Klare Empfehlung"

  -  03/11/2017

I covered my pond with the tarpaulin to protect it from the greedy herons.
The koi feel very comfortable under it.
The tarpaulin lets enough light and air through and also keeps the leaves out.
Double effect!
I will definitely buy it again.
It was delivered very quickly and the price is absolutely OK.
 translated, original text: "Mit der Plane habe ich meinen Teich abgedeckt um sie vor den gierigen Reihern zu schützen.
Die Kois fühlen sich pudelwohl darunter.
Die Plane lässt genügend Licht und Luft durch und hält auch das Laub ab.
Werde ich auf jedenfall wieder kaufen.
Wurde sehr schnell geliefert und der Preis ist absolut okay."

  -  02/03/2017

Very good product, in the silver colour the tarpaulin looks even classy in combination with wood. Important: The transparency of 50% is what we wanted and is just right, as it allows the plants in the background to shine through but prevents them from growing through. Anyone who wants or needs absolute privacy should pay attention to this! translated, original text: "Sehr gutes Produkt, in der Farbe silber sieht die Plane in Verbindung mit Holz sogar edel aus. Wichtig: Die Transparenz von 50 % ist bei uns gewollt und genau passend, da sie die Pflanzen im Hintergrund noch durchscheinen läßt, den Durchwuchs aber verhindert. Wer absoluten Sichtschutz will oder braucht sollte darauf achten!"

  -  01/01/2017

I used the protective net as a pool cover (8 x 4 m) with leaf protection function for the winter, which I think it is very suitable for. The numerous loops make it easy to tie down and adapt to the terrain. The delivery was very prompt after ordering. translated, original text: "Ich habe das Schutznetz als Poolabdeckung (8 x 4 m²) mit Laubschutzfunktion für den Winter verwendet, wozu es sich aus meiner Sicht sehr gut eignet. Durch die zahlreichen Ösen ist eine Abspannung und Geländeanpassung problemlos möglich. Die Lieferung erfolgte sehr zeitnah nach der Bestellung."

  -  28/09/2017

I use the net in autumn/winter to protect our pool from leaves. Thanks to the good workmanship and the many loops, it has already survived the first autumn storm unscathed. The price-performance ratio is excellent, I would buy it again at any time. translated, original text: "Ich verwende das Netz im Herbst/Winter als Laubschutz auf unserem Pool. Dank der guten Verarbeitung und den vielen Ösen hat es bereits den ersten Herbststurm unbeschadet überstanden. Preis-Leistung ist ausgezeichnet, würde es jederzeit wieder kaufen."

  -  01/11/2017

Tarpaulin to protect our pool from leaves and dirt. Delivery was on time. The quality fully met our expectations, the net serves its purpose and is very stable.

It didn't budge even during the last storm.
 translated, original text: "Plane zum Schutz unseres Pools vor Laub und Schmutz. Die Lieferung erfolgte pünktlich. Die Qualität entsprach voll unseren Erwartungen, das Netz erfüllt seinen Zweck und ist sehr stabil.
Auch beim letzten Sturm hat es sich nicht vom Fleck bewegt."

  -  04/12/2016

We used the leaf protection tarpaulin this autumn and it has proved to be very effective. All the leaves could not fall into the pond and the wind would then blow them away. The stream was also covered and remained clean. translated, original text: "Die Laubschutzplane war diesen Herbst bei uns im Einsatz und hat sich sehr gut bewährt. Das ganze Laub konnte nicht in den Teich fallen und der Wind hat dann das Laub weggeblasen. Auch der Bachlauf konnte so abgedeckt werden und blieb sauber."

  -  05/11/2017

I use this tarpaulin for our tipper, which has no sharp edges or corners. The tarpaulin is attached with expanders. Unfortunately, after only the second use, cracks already appear, indicating that it will not last long, which is a shame. translated, original text: "Ich nutze diese Plane für unseren Kipper , der keine scharfen Kanten oder Ecken hat . Die Plane wird mit Expander befestigt . Leider weißen schon bei der zweiten Benutzung schon Risse darauf hin dass sie nicht Alt wird , schade."

  -  21/07/2018

I built a sandpit cover out of it.
Water goes through, leaves and cats don't ; )
Easy ordering, fast delivery despite extra dimensions!

- high quality impression
- exact dimensions
 translated, original text: "Ich habe daraus eine Sandkasten Abdeckung gebaut.
Wasser geht durch, Laub und Katzen nicht ; )
Einfachs Bestellmenü, schnelle Lieferung totz extra Maße!

- hochwertiger Eindruck
- exakte Maße"

  -  16/05/2021

Very good quality, the eyelets used are much more solid than the "hardware store quality". I use this cover for a swimming pond. It was important to me that rainwater could seep through. translated, original text: "Sehr gute Qualität, die verwendeten Ösen sind viel massiver als die "Baumarktqualität". Nutze diese Abdeckung für ein Schwimmteich. Mir war es wichtig, dass Regenwasser durchsickern kann."

  -  13/12/2023

Our nets prevent my horse from sticking its head through the gate. It is a variant that is flexible, lets air and light through and serves its purpose. translated, original text: "Bei uns verhindern die Netze das mein Pferd den Kopf zwischen dem Tor durchstreckt. Es ist eine Variante die flexibel ist, Luft und Licht durchlässt und ihren Zweck erfüllt."

  -  09/12/2016

The net, which was delivered on time, meets all expectations. It is permeable to rain and effectively protects the pool covered by it from dirt. translated, original text: "Das pünktlich gelieferte Netz erfüllt alle Erwartungen. Es ist durchlässig gegen Regen und schützt den damit abgedeckten Pool wirkungsvoll gegen Verschmutzung."

  -  12/12/2016

Excellent quality. Very well made. I stretched the net over the swimming pool. Absolutely nothing gets through except water. Very satisfied. translated, original text: "Hervorragende Qualität. Ösen sehr gut verarbeitet. Habe das Netz über den Swimmingpool gespannt. Kommt absolut nichts durch ausser Wasser. Sehr zufrieden."

  -  31/07/2022

The best decision ever. Great quality, great value. Fast and perfectly handled.
Absolutely recommended. (Unfortunately no picture available at the moment)
 translated, original text: "Die beste Entscheidung ever. Super Qualität, hoher Nutzen. Schnell und perfekt abgewickelt.
Absolute Empfehlung. (Leider kein Bild jetzt verfügbar)"

  -  22/06/2017

Very very precise, top quality, great price and delivery date just as exact as last time.
Everything is really great.
Thank you
 translated, original text: "Sehr sehr genau, top Qualität, preis super und Liefertermin wie das letzte mal auch exakt.
Alles eine ganz tolle Sache.

  -  27/12/2022

Great cover net. I decided on a net because a tarpaulin flaps in the wind and takes off. It was the right decision. translated, original text: "Tolles Abdecknetz. Hab mich für ein Netz entschieden, da eine Plane im Wind flattert und abhebt. War die richtige Entscheidung."

  -  06/03/2021

The leaf protection tarpaulin is the best solution for my wood pile. The wood is protected from moisture and is well ventilated. translated, original text: "Die Laubschutzplane ist für meinen Holzstapel die beste Lösung . Das Holz ist vor Nässe geschützt und wird gut belüftet."

  -  14/11/2021

Highest satisfaction and good workmanship. Currently fulfills its purpose completely.
I am satisfied with the service.
 translated, original text: "Höchste Zufriedenheit und gute Verarbeitung. Erfüllt z.Zt. seinen Zweck voll ud ganz.
Bin mit dem Service zufrieden."

  -  22/08/2019

Shading and protection from leaves or chestnuts for a pond

Very good workmanship
Product is as described
 translated, original text: "Beschattung und Schutz vor Laub bzw. Kastanien für einen Teich
Sehr gute Verarbeitung
Produkt ist wie beschrieben"

  -  12/11/2020

Fast delivery, very good material, I would buy again and can recommend the company unconditionally. translated, original text: "Schnelle Lieferung, sehr gutes Material, würde ich wieder kaufen und kann die Firma bedingungslos empfehlen."

  -  28/08/2023

Net to cover our swimming pond in the fall. Workmanship and dimensions are perfect. Everything as expected. translated, original text: "Netz um unseren Schwimmteich im Herbst abzudecken. Verarbeitung und Maße sind perfekt. Alles wie erwartet."

  -  31/05/2024

Great cover for my pool, very good quality.
Dimensions fit perfectly, I can only recommend it!!
 translated, original text: "Super Abdeckung für meinen Pool, sehr gute Qualität.
Maße passen genau, kann ich nur weiterempfehlen!!"

  -  07/05/2015

The goods were delivered to us before the delivery deadline of 2 weeks. The quality is excellent. translated, original text: "Die Ware wurde noch vor dem Lieferziel von 2 Wochen an uns ausgeliefert. Die Qualität ist hervorragend."

  -  02/09/2016

The product absolutely corresponded to the description. Quality and workmanship is high translated, original text: "Das Produkt hat der Beschreibung absolut entsprochen. Qualität und Verarbeitung ist hochwertig"

  -  03/09/2016

The product absolutely corresponded to the description. Quality and workmanship is high translated, original text: "Das Produkt hat der Beschreibung absolut entsprochen. Qualität und Verarbeitung ist hochwertig"

  -  18/08/2023

We were able to replace the roof of our climbing frame and are very satisfied. translated, original text: "Wir konnten das Dach unseres Klettergerüstes ersetzen und sind sehr zufrieden."

  -  19/09/2019

Ordering process, delivery, packaging, quality of goods: everything was perfect translated, original text: "Bestellvorgang , Lieferung , Verpackung , Qualität Ware : alles bestens"

  -  04/12/2022

Pool cover

So far it's been good.
Now we just have to wait for winter.
 translated, original text: "Poolabdeckung

Bisher ist es gut.
Jetzt den Winter Mal abwarten."

  -  09/07/2017

simply perfect - in handling and as a dirt deflector. translated, original text: "einfach nur perfekt - im handling und als Grobschmtzabweiser ."

  -  23/06/2015

everything was handled very well, received very good recommendation translated, original text: "alles sehr gut abgewickelt, sehr gute Empfehlung erhalten"

  -  30/12/2016

Everything is great! Fast delivery, great quality translated, original text: "Alles top! Schnelle Lieferung, super Qualität"

  -  06/09/2016

Correct, good quality, fast delivery translated, original text: "Korrekt, gute Qualität, schnelle Lieferung"

  -  23/09/2017

Everything ok.Would buy again.Best material. translated, original text: "Alles ok.Gerne wieder.Bestes Material."

  -  15/12/2023

very satisfied with the material translated, original text: "sehr zufrieden über das Material"

  -  15/09/2024

Swimming pond cover in winter translated, original text: "Schwimmteichabdeckung im Winter"

  -  07/12/2020

Pool cover. Fits perfectly translated, original text: "Poolabdeckung. Passt genau top"

  -  15/05/2021

very good quality, thank you translated, original text: "sehr gute Qualität, danke"

  -  22/07/2017

everything was great would definitely go back translated, original text: "alles Super gerne wieder"

  -  18/12/2016

very good... translated, original text: "sehr gut..."

Recommended accessory

Tent Peg 25 cm
excl. VAT *10,59 €incl. VAT *20,70 €
Spiral Ground Peg 40 cm
excl. VAT *17,00 €incl. VAT *28,33 €
Snap Hook 60 x 6 mm
excl. VAT *10,42 €incl. VAT *20,50 €
Lead Cord, Attached With Polyester Tape (400 g/m)
excl. VAT *1starting at6,13 € / mincl. VAT *2starting at7,30 € / m
*1 excluding VAT plus shipping charges*2 including VAT plus shipping charges
Contact Us
Schutznetze24 GmbH
Weyerberg 535614Aßlar-BerghausenHessenDE
+49 6443 4369640office@safetynet365.comhttps://safetynet365.com/templates/tpl_modified/img/logo/logo_head_en@2x.pnghttps://safetynet365.com/templates/tpl_modified/img/logo/logo_head_en@2x.png