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Custom-Made Foliage Protection Net against leaves

Custom-Made Foliage Protection Net against leaves | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Foliage Protection Net against leaves | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Foliage Protection Net against leaves | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Foliage Protection Net against leaves | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Foliage Protection Net against leaves | Safetynet365
Shipping Time: 12-14 working days
Item No.: 201-020
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excl. VAT *1 25,88 € incl. VAT *2 30,80 €
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Configure your own individual made-to-measure leaf-netting. Choose one of the above colors and enter the desired length and width into the appropriate fields. The surface area, weight and price of the net will then be automatically calculated and shown.


The net has a border measuring approx. 7 mm in thickness all around (see sample picture). An additional rope is sewn/linked to the border mesh. The border gives the net a neat outer edge on all sides and simultaneously ensures stable, stress-resistant anchorage points. The border and all seams are executed in the same color as the net.


The safety net consists of woven, deep-dyed polypropylene filament yarn. This is a highly tearproof and stable synthetic fibre. Thanks to the knotless weave, which is no less stable than a knotted connection, the net keeps its shape perfectly.

The material is of course 100% non-toxic, and contact with mucus membranes (mouth, eyes) is completely safe as well. Thanks to their weather-resistance and UV-stability, our safety nets are suitable for both outdoor and indoor use.


Technical Specifications
Material:high tenacity polypropylene, knotless
Material Diameter:Ø 1.8 mm
Mesh Size:20 x 20 mm
Pose of Meshs:quadratic (square)
Mesh Connection:knotless braid
Edge Design:reinforced selvage cord of approx. 7 mm
Max. Tensile Strength of a Mesh necessary force to tear a single mesh (tear resistance):600 N equal to the weight force of a mass of 61 kilograms
Tensile Breaking Force Referred to Density:7.0 cN/den
Breaking Elongation of Filament:15%
Certificate:Oeko-Tex® certificate 12.0.02466
Continuous Operating Temperature:-40 to +80 °C
Melting Point:165 °C
Washing Temperature (max.):30 °C
Yarn Moisture Regain:0%
Tensile Strength Reduction Because Of Moisture:0%
Resistance to Weak/Strong Acids measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:very good/good
Resistance to Weak/Strong Alkalis measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:good/not good
Resistance to Organic Solvents measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:good
Resistance to Benzine and Greases measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:very good
Bending Strength & Abrasion Resistance:good
UV-Resistance:300 kly
Tensile Strength After Two Years of Climatic Influences:90%
Elasticity After Years of Climatic Influences:good long-term flexibility, little elongation
Flexibility When Used in Water:stays flexible
Contraction When Used in Water:low contraction
Contraction When Used Outside:no contraction
Behavior in High Heat / Fire:melting
Electrical Characteristics:isolating, no electrical conductivity
Customs Tariff No.:56081930
Area Density:130 g/m²

Download product data sheet (PDF)


Your satisfaction and safety are very important to us. Regular quality inspections guarantee the high standard of our products. Our nets and fabric are designed to fulfil the most exacting standards and are characterised by their exceptional durability.


Not sure which net thickness is right for your specific purpose or do you perhaps have a different question? Trust our many years' experience and contact us!


Download product data sheet (PDF)


Technical Specifications
Material:high tenacity polypropylene, knotless
Material Diameter:Ø 1.8 mm
Mesh Size:20 x 20 mm
Pose of Meshs:quadratic (square)
Mesh Connection:knotless braid
Edge Design:reinforced selvage cord of approx. 7 mm
Max. Tensile Strength of a Mesh necessary force to tear a single mesh (tear resistance):600 N equal to the weight force of a mass of 61 kilograms
Tensile Breaking Force Referred to Density:7.0 cN/den
Breaking Elongation of Filament:15%
Certificate:Oeko-Tex® certificate 12.0.02466
Continuous Operating Temperature:-40 to +80 °C
Melting Point:165 °C
Washing Temperature (max.):30 °C
Yarn Moisture Regain:0%
Tensile Strength Reduction Because Of Moisture:0%
Resistance to Weak/Strong Acids measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:very good/good
Resistance to Weak/Strong Alkalis measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:good/not good
Resistance to Organic Solvents measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:good
Resistance to Benzine and Greases measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:very good
Bending Strength & Abrasion Resistance:good
UV-Resistance:300 kly
Tensile Strength After Two Years of Climatic Influences:90%
Elasticity After Years of Climatic Influences:good long-term flexibility, little elongation
Flexibility When Used in Water:stays flexible
Contraction When Used in Water:low contraction
Contraction When Used Outside:no contraction
Behavior in High Heat / Fire:melting
Electrical Characteristics:isolating, no electrical conductivity
Customs Tariff No.:56081930
Area Density:130 g/m²
Custom-Made Foliage Protection Net against leaves | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Foliage Protection Net against leaves | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Foliage Protection Net against leaves | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Foliage Protection Net against leaves | Safetynet365
Kundenfoto von Custom-Made Foliage Protection Net against leaves
Kundenfoto von Custom-Made Foliage Protection Net against leaves
Kundenfoto von Custom-Made Foliage Protection Net against leaves
Kundenfoto von Custom-Made Foliage Protection Net against leaves
Kundenfoto von Custom-Made Foliage Protection Net against leaves
Kundenfoto von Custom-Made Foliage Protection Net against leaves
Kundenfoto von Custom-Made Foliage Protection Net against leaves
Kundenfoto von Custom-Made Foliage Protection Net against leaves
Kundenfoto von Custom-Made Foliage Protection Net against leaves
Kundenfoto von Custom-Made Foliage Protection Net against leaves
Kundenfoto von Custom-Made Foliage Protection Net against leaves
Kundenfoto von Custom-Made Foliage Protection Net against leaves
Kundenfoto von Custom-Made Foliage Protection Net against leaves

Customer Reviews

  -  15/10/2020

The net is very well made and the dimensions are exactly what we wanted.
We have created protection against herons visiting our fish pond. As the edges are very flexible, we can push the side parts aside like a curtain, just as we had imagined, so that we can use the path along the pond and also have a net-free view of the pond. Previously we had a net directly above the pond, but this also blocked our path.
 translated, original text: "Das Netz ist sehr gut verarbeitet, die Maße entsprechen genau unseren Vorgaben.
Wir haben uns hiermit einen Schutz gegen die Besuche des Fischreihers an unserem Fischteich geschaffen. Da die Kanten sehr flexibel sind, können wir, so wie wir es uns vorgestellt haben, die Seitenteile wie einen Vorhang beiseite schieben, so das wir den Weg am Teich nutzen können und auch eine netzfreie Sicht auf den Teich haben. Bisher hatten wir ein Netz direkt über dem Teich, was uns allerdings auch den Weg versperrte."

  -  14/12/2017

Excellent quality, I am more than satisfied. I think the price is reasonable. However, you should order the nets a little larger than previously measured.
I personally use the nets to protect my basalt decorative gravel on the house from intruding leaves, which has worked very well so far. However, the mesh size could be a little smaller, because smaller leaves still get through, but this is within limits.
 translated, original text: "Ausgezeichnete Qualität, bin mehr als zufrieden. Der Preis finde ich als angemessen. Jedoch sollte man die Netze etwas größer als zuvor gemessen bestellen.
Ich persönlich nehme die Netzte um meinen Basalt Zierschotter am Haus vor eindringendes Laub zu schützen was bis jetzt sehr gut funktioniert. Jedoch könnte die Maschengröße etwas kleiner sein, denn kleinere Blätter dringen trotzdem durch was sich aber in grenzen hält."

  -  07/10/2019

The purpose is quite clear! To keep herons away from the fish ;-)
There is hardly any foliage in the beautiful garden, so it only serves as protection.
The photos are unfortunately not up to date, the nets have been extended on the right and left sides.
The first two nets are now a good 4 years old and I have not found any defects.
Thumbs up to the manufacturer, keep up the good work.
 translated, original text: "Der Einsatzzweck ist ganz klar! Fischreiher von den Fischen fern zu halten ;-)
Laub gibt es in den wunderschönen Garten kaum darum dient es nur als Schutz.
Die Fotos sind leider nicht aktuell, auf der Rechten und Linken Seite wurden die Netze erweitert.
Die ersten beiden Netze sind nun gute 4 Jahre alt und ich kann noch keine Mängel feststellen.
Daumen hoch an den Hersteller macht weiter so."

  -  16/04/2020

This is already the 4th net that we have used. Simply perfect!
Telephone advice, processing and quality are just right!
We have set up a table tennis court with weatherproof artificial turf on one of our 3 terraces.
It can be moved as a ball catching net on a stretched stainless steel rope. No more balls getting outside into our rock garden :-)
 translated, original text: "Es ist schon das 4. Netz, das wir im Einsatz haben. Einfach perfekt!
tel. Beratung, Abwicklung und Qualität stimmt einfach !
Auf einer unserer 3 Terassen haben wir uns einen TT-Platz mit einem wetterfesten Kunstrasen eingerichtet.
Als Ballfangnetz verschiebbar auf einem gespannten VA-Seil. Da hüft kein Ball mehr nach draußen in unseren Steingarten :-)"

  -  14/01/2022

We use the net to cover our swimming pool in the winter. The net is very stable and, when properly secured, ensures that no leaves, animals or children can fall into the pool. The custom production is great and delivery was quick. We would order it again anytime! translated, original text: "Wir verwenden das Netz zur Winterabdeckung unseres Schwimmbeckens. Das Netz ist sehr stabil und sorgt richtig befestigt dafür, das weder Laub, Tiere oder Kinder ins Becken fallen können. Die Fertigung auf Maß ist super und die Lieferung ging schnell. Wir würden es jederzeit wieder bestellen!"

  -  26/12/2016

We use the net to cover our swimming pool in winter. Most of the leaves are caught well. The mesh size could be made a little smaller (e.g. to about 1cm x 1cm), as birch leaves are often still allowed through. The strength has been very good so far. translated, original text: "Wir verwenden das Netz zur Winterandeckung unseres Badebeckens. Der Großteil der Blätter wird gut abgefangen. Die Maschengröße könnte noch etwas verkleinert angeboten werden (z.B. auf ca 1cm x 1cm), da Birkenblätter häufig noch durchgelassen werden. Die Festigkeit ist bisher sehr gut."

  -  22/09/2020

I made a wooden frame to cover my pond and ordered the net to measure. It is very stable and tear-resistant and above all: it was delivered 100% correctly, exactly as ordered. Can definitely be recommended. M translated, original text: "Habe für meinen Teich Holzrahmen zum Abdecken gebastelt und dafür das Netz nach Maß bestellt. Ist sehr stabil und reißfest und vor Allem: Es wurde zu 100 % passend, haargenau wie bestellt geliefert. Kann man auf jeden Fall weiter empfohlen werden. M"

  -  23/03/2020

The nets are very well made and the dimensions given were also correct. We now use the nets on ball collection vehicles on golf courses. The nets help to prevent drivers from accidentally coming into contact with flying golf balls.... translated, original text: "Die Netze sind super gearbeitet, auch das angegebene Maß passte. Wir verwenden die Netze nun an Ballsammlerfahrzeugen auf Golfplätzen. Die Netze dienen dabei den Fahrern, nicht mit umherfliegenden Golfbällen ungewollt in Kontakt zu kommen...."

  -  13/07/2018

We bought the net as a sandpit cover. We also bought an expander rope for fastening it. We are extremely satisfied. The leaves stay outside and the rainwater can still seep into the sand. Highly recommended. translated, original text: "Wir haben das Netz als Sandkistenabdeckung gekauft. Zusätzlich haben wir noch ein Expanderseil für die Befestigung gekauft. Sind super zufrieden. Das Laub bleibt draußen und trotzdem kann das Regenwasser im Sand absikkern. Sehr zu empfehlen."

  -  13/07/2018

The custom-made net "protects" our garden pond inhabitants from uninvited guests.
The quality is very good and fully meets my expectations...
I will be happy to return to your production in due course!
 translated, original text: "Das auf Maß gefertigte Netz "beschuetzt" unsere Gartenteichbewohner vor ungebetenen Gästen.
Die Qualitaet ist sehr gut und entspricht voll meinen Erwartungen...
Zu gegebener Zeit komme ich sehr gerne wieder auf ihre Fertigung zurueck !"

  -  08/11/2016

The appointment worked and the network met expectations.
The supplier had problems and sent and reminded 2 invoices for the same invoice
 translated, original text: "Termin hat geklappt und das Netz erfüllt die Erwartungen.
Lieferant hatte Probleme und sendete sowie mahnte 2 Rechnungen für die gleiche Rechnung"

  -  29/07/2015

They delivered extra quickly because the net was needed for a trade fair. I don't know much about nets but I'm pleased with the quality. translated, original text: "Haben extra Schnell geliefert da das Netz für eine Messe benötigt war. Kenne mich nicht mit Netze aus gefällt mir aber von der Qualität."

  -  15/01/2024

I use the net for my UTv as a permanent cover for my loading area. I am very happy with it - high dimensional accuracy and stability. translated, original text: "Ich benutze das netz für mein UTv als dauerhafte Abdeckung meiner Ladefläche bin sehr zufrieden damit hohe Maßgenauigkeit und stabil ."

  -  25/10/2018

The net protects my garden pond from falling leaves. It does this very well. The quality is good and definitely worth the price. translated, original text: "Das Netz bewahrt meinen Gartenteich vor Laubeinfall. Dies tut es sehr gut. Die Qualität ist gut und den Preis allemal wert."

  -  09/12/2020

In the rock garden for the leaves fits super good quality fast delivery I am very satisfied recommend thank you translated, original text: "Im Steingarten für das Laub passt super gute Qualität schnelle Lieferung bin sehr zufrieden zum weiter empfehlen dankeM"

  -  10/12/2022

Good pond cover, unfortunately delivered smaller than ordered, almost 10 cm less on each side, hence only 2 stars. translated, original text: "Gute Teichabdeckung, leider kleiner geliefert als bestellt war, fast 10 cm weniger an jeder Seite, daher nur 2 Sterne."

  -  30/09/2016

Perfect delivery, clean workmanship.
Good dimensional accuracy. I can definitely recommend Safetynet365.
 translated, original text: "Perfekte Lieferung, saubere Verarbeitung.
Gute Maßgenauigkeit. Ich kann Schutznetze 24 unbedingt weiterempfehlen."

  -  10/12/2024

Pond net to cover against the leaves of our walnut tree, which produce too much tannin in the water. translated, original text: "Weihernetz zum Abdecken gegen die Blätter unseres Baumnussbaums, die im Wasser zuviel Gerbsäure produzieren."

  -  21/02/2021

Cover for guinea pig outdoor enclosure

Top protective net, robust and fully serves its purpose
 translated, original text: "Abdeckung für Meerschweinchen Außengehege

Top Schutznetz, robust und erfüllt voll seinen Zweck"

  -  30/09/2022

Thank you very much for this special design, the net fits perfectly!!!
Greetings Roman and Bettina
 translated, original text: "Vielen Dank für diese Sonderausführung , das Netz passt perfekt !!!
Grüße Roman und Bettina"

  -  17/08/2016

Quality is perfect, delivery is on time. The company can be recommended. translated, original text: "Qualität einwandfrei, Lieferung pünktlich. Firma kann weiterempfohlen werden."

  -  19/09/2016

can only recommend the leaf net as it is made exactly to size. translated, original text: "kann das Laubnetz nur weiter empfehlen, da es genau auf Maß gefertigt wird."

  -  27/08/2017

Very good quality and the size was perfect
The price was justified
 translated, original text: "Sehr gute Qualität und das Maß war perfekt
Der Preis war gerechtfertigt"

  -  19/11/2020

Super quality and workmanship very very satisfied to recommend translated, original text: "Superqualität und verarbeitet sehr sehr zufrieden zum weiter empfehlen"

  -  12/09/2024

Cover for a trout pond.
Clean workmanship.
 translated, original text: "Abdeckung für einen Forellenteich.
Saubere Verarbeitung.

  -  13/08/2020

Very good quality. I would order again at any time. translated, original text: "Sehr gute Qualität. Würde ich jederzeit wieder bestellen."

  -  28/11/2018

Cover for garden pond. Very good and solid quality. translated, original text: "Abdeckung für Gartenteich. Sehr gute und feste Qualität."

  -  27/11/2020

Very well made net, offers good protection according to Ma translated, original text: "Sehr gut verarbeitetes Netz, bietet guten Schutz nach Maß"

  -  13/09/2021

Super stable net. Very good quality at a fair price. translated, original text: "Super stabiles Netz. Sehr gute Qualität zu fairem Preis."

  -  17/04/2017

everything worked out wonderfully. I am very satisfied translated, original text: "alles wunderbar geklappt. bin sehe zufrieden"

  -  04/07/2018

Protection of the fish pond, I am very satisfied translated, original text: "Schutz des Fischteiches, bin sehr zufrieden"

  -  17/08/2019

Catching falling apples works great translated, original text: "Auffangen von Falläpfeln.klappt Super"

  -  29/12/2020

are very satisfied so far) translated, original text: "sind bis jetzt sehr zufrieden)"

  -  17/10/2017

The net was for the pond translated, original text: "Das Netz war für den Teich"

  -  26/11/2015

Delivery time too long translated, original text: "Zu lange Lieferzeit"

  -  15/12/2018

everything is fine thanks translated, original text: "alles bestens danke"

  -  14/05/2015

Everything fine translated, original text: "Alles bestens"

  -  10/09/2017

gladly again translated, original text: "gerne wieder"

  -  13/08/2016

Great product translated, original text: "Super Ware"

  -  09/01/2017

Good goods translated, original text: "Gute Ware"

  -  02/05/2019

Super translated, original text: "Super"

Recommended accessory

Tent Peg 25 cm
excl. VAT *10,59 €incl. VAT *20,70 €
Spiral Ground Peg 40 cm
excl. VAT *17,00 €incl. VAT *28,33 €
Snap Hook 60 x 6 mm
excl. VAT *10,42 €incl. VAT *20,50 €
Polyethylene Rope 6 mm - Available by the Meter
excl. VAT *1starting at0,76 € / mincl. VAT *2starting at0,90 € / m
Ring Pliers
excl. VAT *157,98 €incl. VAT *269,00 €
*1 excluding VAT plus shipping charges*2 including VAT plus shipping charges
Contact Us
Schutznetze24 GmbH
Weyerberg 535614Aßlar-BerghausenHessenDE
+49 6443 4369640office@safetynet365.comhttps://safetynet365.com/templates/tpl_modified/img/logo/logo_head_en@2x.pnghttps://safetynet365.com/templates/tpl_modified/img/logo/logo_head_en@2x.png