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Scaffolding Net 2.00 x 10.00 m pursuant to EN Standard 1263-1

Scaffolding Net 2.00 x 10.00 m pursuant to EN Standard 1263-1 | Safetynet365
Scaffolding Net 2.00 x 10.00 m pursuant to EN Standard 1263-1 | Safetynet365
Scaffolding Net 2.00 x 10.00 m pursuant to EN Standard 1263-1 | Safetynet365
Scaffolding Net 2.00 x 10.00 m pursuant to EN Standard 1263-1 | Safetynet365
Scaffolding Net 2.00 x 10.00 m pursuant to EN Standard 1263-1 | Safetynet365
Scaffolding Net 2.00 x 10.00 m pursuant to EN Standard 1263-1 | Safetynet365
Scaffolding Net 2.00 x 10.00 m pursuant to EN Standard 1263-1 | Safetynet365
Scaffolding Net 2.00 x 10.00 m pursuant to EN Standard 1263-1 | Safetynet365
Scaffolding Net 2.00 x 10.00 m pursuant to EN Standard 1263-1 | Safetynet365
Shipping Time: 12-14 working days
Item No.: 3004-045
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excl. VAT *1 129,00 € incl. VAT *2 153,51 €
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Guardrail safety net in conformity with EN 1263-1 and DGUV information 201-011 with linked-on border rope (safety net system U)


Guardrail safety nets and nets in roof safety scaffolding must conform to EN 1263-1 and the DGUV information 201-011. These nets are designated ‘Safety Net System U’ (safety net in supporting constructions for vertical use). When deploying nets, the intermediate rail can be dispensed with. Our guardrail safety nets fulfil all the necessary legal requirements and are characterised by the highest quality and durability.


The net has a border measuring approx. 9 mm in thickness all around (see sample picture). An additional rope is sewn/linked to the border meshes. The border gives the net a neat outer edge on all sides while simultaneously providing stable, stress-resistant anchorage points. The border and all seams are executed in the same color as the net.


The safety net consists of woven, deep-dyed polypropylene filament yarn. This is a highly tearproof and stable synthetic fibre. Thanks to the knotless weave, which is no less stable than a knotted connection, the net keeps its shape perfectly.

The material is of course 100% non-toxic, and contact with mucus membranes (mouth, eyes) is completely safe as well. Thanks to their weather-resistance and UV-stability, our safety nets are suitable for both outdoor and indoor use.


Technical Specifications
Dimensions:2.00 x 10.00 m
Material:high tenacity polypropylene, knotless
Material Diameter:Ø 5.0 mm
Mesh Size:45 x 45 mm
Pose of Meshs:quadratic (square)
Mesh Connection:knotless braid
Edge Design:reinforced selvage cord of approx. 9 mm, with integral surround rope (sewn)
Max. Tensile Strength of a Mesh necessary force to tear a single mesh (tear resistance):3200 N equal to the weight force of a mass of 326 kilograms
Energy Absorption (approx.) The specifications refer to a test net, which is 3.00 x 3.00 m.:9.0 kJ
Tensile Breaking Force Referred to Density:7.0 cN/den
Breaking Elongation of Filament:15%
Standards and Rules:BG regulation no. 179, DGUV information 101-011, DGUV information 201-023, EN 1263-1
Certificate:DGUV Eurotest verification certificate 24100002, Oeko-Tex® certificate 12.0.02466
Net Class:B1 Maximum mesh size: 60 mm,
Minimum breaking strength: 7.92 kJ
Safety Net System:U (safety net in load-bearing construction for vertical use)
Regular Inspection Interval:12 months
Number of Test Meshes Test meshes are rows of meshes which are connected with the net to determine the aging behavior. They can be removed from the net without impairing its functionality.:3 pcs.
Continuous Operating Temperature:-40 to +80 °C
Melting Point:165 °C
Washing Temperature (max.):30 °C
Yarn Moisture Regain:0%
Tensile Strength Reduction Because Of Moisture:0%
Resistance to Weak/Strong Acids measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:very good/good
Resistance to Weak/Strong Alkalis measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:good/not good
Resistance to Organic Solvents measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:good
Resistance to Benzine and Greases measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:very good
Bending Strength & Abrasion Resistance:good
UV-Resistance:300 kly
Tensile Strength After Two Years of Climatic Influences:90%
Elasticity After Years of Climatic Influences:good long-term flexibility, little elongation
Flexibility When Used in Water:stays flexible
Contraction When Used in Water:low contraction
Contraction When Used Outside:no contraction
Behavior in High Heat / Fire:melting
Electrical Characteristics:isolating, no electrical conductivity
Customs Tariff No.:56081930
Area Density:450 g/m²
Total Weight:8.10 kg

Download product data sheet (PDF)


Our building site nets (fall safety nets, guardrail safety nets) are produced in conformity with the currently valid standards and regulations. The nets are certified in conformity with EN 1263-1, approved by the BauBG (German Building Trade Association) and have a test certificate.


Your satisfaction and safety are very important to us. Regular quality inspections guarantee the high standard of our products. Our nets and fabric are designed to fulfil the most exacting standards and are characterised by their exceptional durability.


Not sure which net thickness is right for your specific purpose or do you perhaps have a different question? Trust our many years' experience and contact us!


Download product data sheet (PDF)


Technical Specifications
Dimensions:2.00 x 10.00 m
Material:high tenacity polypropylene, knotless
Material Diameter:Ø 5.0 mm
Mesh Size:45 x 45 mm
Pose of Meshs:quadratic (square)
Mesh Connection:knotless braid
Edge Design:reinforced selvage cord of approx. 9 mm, with integral surround rope (sewn)
Max. Tensile Strength of a Mesh necessary force to tear a single mesh (tear resistance):3200 N equal to the weight force of a mass of 326 kilograms
Energy Absorption (approx.) The specifications refer to a test net, which is 3.00 x 3.00 m.:9.0 kJ
Tensile Breaking Force Referred to Density:7.0 cN/den
Breaking Elongation of Filament:15%
Standards and Rules:BG regulation no. 179, DGUV information 101-011, DGUV information 201-023, EN 1263-1
Certificate:DGUV Eurotest verification certificate 24100002, Oeko-Tex® certificate 12.0.02466
Net Class:B1 Maximum mesh size: 60 mm,
Minimum breaking strength: 7.92 kJ
Safety Net System:U (safety net in load-bearing construction for vertical use)
Regular Inspection Interval:12 months
Number of Test Meshes Test meshes are rows of meshes which are connected with the net to determine the aging behavior. They can be removed from the net without impairing its functionality.:3 pcs.
Continuous Operating Temperature:-40 to +80 °C
Melting Point:165 °C
Washing Temperature (max.):30 °C
Yarn Moisture Regain:0%
Tensile Strength Reduction Because Of Moisture:0%
Resistance to Weak/Strong Acids measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:very good/good
Resistance to Weak/Strong Alkalis measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:good/not good
Resistance to Organic Solvents measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:good
Resistance to Benzine and Greases measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:very good
Bending Strength & Abrasion Resistance:good
UV-Resistance:300 kly
Tensile Strength After Two Years of Climatic Influences:90%
Elasticity After Years of Climatic Influences:good long-term flexibility, little elongation
Flexibility When Used in Water:stays flexible
Contraction When Used in Water:low contraction
Contraction When Used Outside:no contraction
Behavior in High Heat / Fire:melting
Electrical Characteristics:isolating, no electrical conductivity
Customs Tariff No.:56081930
Area Density:450 g/m²
Total Weight:8.10 kg
Scaffolding Net 2.00 x 10.00 m pursuant to EN Standard 1263-1 | Safetynet365
Scaffolding Net 2.00 x 10.00 m pursuant to EN Standard 1263-1 | Safetynet365
Scaffolding Net 2.00 x 10.00 m pursuant to EN Standard 1263-1 | Safetynet365
Scaffolding Net 2.00 x 10.00 m pursuant to EN Standard 1263-1 | Safetynet365
Scaffolding Net 2.00 x 10.00 m pursuant to EN Standard 1263-1 | Safetynet365
Scaffolding Net 2.00 x 10.00 m pursuant to EN Standard 1263-1 | Safetynet365
Scaffolding Net 2.00 x 10.00 m pursuant to EN Standard 1263-1 | Safetynet365
Scaffolding Net 2.00 x 10.00 m pursuant to EN Standard 1263-1 | Safetynet365
Kundenfoto von Scaffolding Net 2.00 x 10.00 m pursuant to EN Standard 1263-1
Kundenfoto von Scaffolding Net 2.00 x 10.00 m pursuant to EN Standard 1263-1

Customer Reviews

  -  06/10/2024

Classic protective net application. Here it protects horses from getting fat. The net is very well made. You feel a bit strange when you first cut it up. This standard 2x10 meter net is cheaper than original hay nets of the same size. The net is also much more durable. So it's worth the work to cut it up and make it 4x4. There's still a 2x2 meter piece left over, which I can use to build a small hay net. At least now the whole thing is worth it.

I can only recommend the company Safetynet365. I had very nice email contact about my hay net project. They were willing to answer my questions, which are not typical for the construction industry. Now I have a dealer from whom I order this net every few years.
 translated, original text: "Klassische Schutznetzanwendung. Hier schützt es Pferde vor Verfettung. Das Netz ist super verarbeitet. Da kommt man sich schon etwas komisch vor wenn man es als erstes zerschneiden. Dieses Standard 2x10 Meter Netz ist günstiger als original Heunetze in der Größe. Zudem ist das Netz deutlich haltbarer. Daher lohnz sich die Arbeit es zu zerstückeln und auf 4x4 zu bringen. Wobei noch ein 2x2 Meter Stück übrig bleibt, womit ich noch ein kleines Heunetz bauen kann. Spätestens jetzt lohnt sich das ganze.

Firma Schutznetze24 kann ich nur empfehlen. Zu meinem Heunetzprojekt hatte ich sehr netten Emailkontakt. Man hat sich auf meine nicht baugewerbetypischen Fragen eingelassen. Nun habe ich einen Händler, bei dem ich sicher alle paar Jahre mal dieses Netz bestelle."

  -  15/04/2020

I converted the net into a safety net. The net is easy to work with. By melting the ends together with a lighter, the net holds very well even after it has been cut. I shoot with hard rubber targets and the net holds up! translated, original text: "Ich habe das Netz als Fangnetz umfunktioniert. Das Netz kann leicht verarbeitet werden. Durch das verschmelzen der Enden mit einem Feuerzeug hält das Netz auch nachdem es zerschnitten wurde sehr gut. Ich schiesse mit Hartgummi-Scheiben und das Netz hält Stand!"

  -  20/06/2017

Good, stable quality, delivery took a little while, but that was stated when ordering!
As we used it for purposes other than what it was intended for, I can't say anything about the technically correct quality
 translated, original text: "Gute, stabile Qualität, Lieferung hat etwas lange gedauert, würde aber gleich bei Bestellung so angegeben!
Da wir es zweckentfremdet einsetzten kann ich über die fachlich korrekte Qualität nichts sagen"

  -  13/09/2016

Use the net as a safety net for an athletics throwing ring, meets all desired requirements. translated, original text: "Benutzen das Netzt als Sicherheitsnetz für einen Leichtathletik-Wurfring, erfüllt alle gewünschten Voraussetzungen."

  -  16/12/2016

Good quality, fast delivery, good service. Would buy again. translated, original text: "Gute Qualität, schnelle Lieferung, guter Service. Gerne wieder."

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Contact Us
Schutznetze24 GmbH
Weyerberg 535614Aßlar-BerghausenHessenDE
+49 6443 4369640office@safetynet365.comhttps://safetynet365.com/templates/tpl_modified/img/logo/logo_head_en@2x.pnghttps://safetynet365.com/templates/tpl_modified/img/logo/logo_head_en@2x.png