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Driving Range Ball Stop Net by the m² (Made to Measure)

Driving Range Ball Stop Net by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Driving Range Ball Stop Net by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Driving Range Ball Stop Net by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Driving Range Ball Stop Net by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Driving Range Ball Stop Net by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Shipping Time: 12-14 working days
Item No.: 201-020
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excl. VAT *1 25,88 € incl. VAT *2 30,80 €
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Ball stop net for short distances (practice nets).


Configure your own individual made-to-measure ball stop net. Choose one of the above colors and enter the desired length and width into the appropriate fields. The surface area, weight and price of the net will then be automatically calculated and shown.


The net has a border measuring approx. 7 mm in thickness all around (see sample picture). An additional rope is sewn/linked to the border mesh. The border gives the net a neat outer edge on all sides and simultaneously ensures stable, stress-resistant anchorage points. The border and all seams are executed in the same color as the net.


The safety net consists of woven, deep-dyed polypropylene filament yarn. This is a highly tearproof and stable synthetic fibre. Thanks to the knotless weave, which is no less stable than a knotted connection, the net keeps its shape perfectly.

The material is of course 100% non-toxic, and contact with mucus membranes (mouth, eyes) is completely safe as well. Thanks to their weather-resistance and UV-stability, our safety nets are suitable for both outdoor and indoor use.


Technical Specifications
Material:high tenacity polypropylene, knotless
Material Diameter:Ø 1.8 mm
Mesh Size:20 x 20 mm
Pose of Meshs:quadratic (square)
Mesh Connection:knotless braid
Edge Design:reinforced selvage cord of approx. 7 mm
Max. Tensile Strength of a Mesh necessary force to tear a single mesh (tear resistance):600 N equal to the weight force of a mass of 61 kilograms
Tensile Breaking Force Referred to Density:7.0 cN/den
Breaking Elongation of Filament:15%
Certificate:Oeko-Tex® certificate 12.0.02466
Continuous Operating Temperature:-40 to +80 °C
Melting Point:165 °C
Washing Temperature (max.):30 °C
Yarn Moisture Regain:0%
Tensile Strength Reduction Because Of Moisture:0%
Resistance to Weak/Strong Acids measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:very good/good
Resistance to Weak/Strong Alkalis measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:good/not good
Resistance to Organic Solvents measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:good
Resistance to Benzine and Greases measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:very good
Bending Strength & Abrasion Resistance:good
UV-Resistance:300 kly
Tensile Strength After Two Years of Climatic Influences:90%
Elasticity After Years of Climatic Influences:good long-term flexibility, little elongation
Flexibility When Used in Water:stays flexible
Contraction When Used in Water:low contraction
Contraction When Used Outside:no contraction
Behavior in High Heat / Fire:melting
Electrical Characteristics:isolating, no electrical conductivity
Customs Tariff No.:95069990
Area Density:130 g/m²

Download product data sheet (PDF)


Your satisfaction and safety are very important to us. Regular quality inspections guarantee the high standard of our products. Our nets and fabric are designed to fulfil the most exacting standards and are characterised by their exceptional durability.


Not sure which net thickness is right for your specific purpose or do you perhaps have a different question? Trust our many years' experience and contact us!


Download product data sheet (PDF)


Technical Specifications
Material:high tenacity polypropylene, knotless
Material Diameter:Ø 1.8 mm
Mesh Size:20 x 20 mm
Pose of Meshs:quadratic (square)
Mesh Connection:knotless braid
Edge Design:reinforced selvage cord of approx. 7 mm
Max. Tensile Strength of a Mesh necessary force to tear a single mesh (tear resistance):600 N equal to the weight force of a mass of 61 kilograms
Tensile Breaking Force Referred to Density:7.0 cN/den
Breaking Elongation of Filament:15%
Certificate:Oeko-Tex® certificate 12.0.02466
Continuous Operating Temperature:-40 to +80 °C
Melting Point:165 °C
Washing Temperature (max.):30 °C
Yarn Moisture Regain:0%
Tensile Strength Reduction Because Of Moisture:0%
Resistance to Weak/Strong Acids measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:very good/good
Resistance to Weak/Strong Alkalis measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:good/not good
Resistance to Organic Solvents measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:good
Resistance to Benzine and Greases measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:very good
Bending Strength & Abrasion Resistance:good
UV-Resistance:300 kly
Tensile Strength After Two Years of Climatic Influences:90%
Elasticity After Years of Climatic Influences:good long-term flexibility, little elongation
Flexibility When Used in Water:stays flexible
Contraction When Used in Water:low contraction
Contraction When Used Outside:no contraction
Behavior in High Heat / Fire:melting
Electrical Characteristics:isolating, no electrical conductivity
Customs Tariff No.:95069990
Area Density:130 g/m²
Driving Range Ball Stop Net by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Driving Range Ball Stop Net by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Driving Range Ball Stop Net by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Driving Range Ball Stop Net by the m² (Made to Measure) | Safetynet365
Kundenfoto von Driving Range Ball Stop Net by the m² (Made to Measure)
Kundenfoto von Driving Range Ball Stop Net by the m² (Made to Measure)

Customer Reviews

  -  15/12/2022

Nachdem der Betrieb privater Pools seit September untersagt ist haben wir uns kurzentschlossen ein "GolfCenter" im temporär abgelassenen Schwimmbecken gebaut. Für das umlaufende Schutznetz und das Dachnetz haben wir Schutznetze für mittlere Distanzen gewählt. Für das Prallnetz haben wir ein Netz für kurze Schlagdistanzen gewählt. In allen Netzen sind an der Unterseite Bleischnüre als Beschwerung eingenäht: Alles von Schutznetze 24 "ready for use" Wir sind sehr zufrieden. Die Netze haben sehr gute Qualität und wurden absolut passgenau geliefert.
(Den Alurahmen und die Deckenabhängung haben wir uns mit Fertigelementen aus dem Internet "Zusammengestoppelt")

  -  09/02/2016

The ball stop net is perfect. We were looking for good (and affordable) nets for a long time and thankfully came across Safetynet365. We use it on our golf driving range. The good edging makes it easy to install and doesn't warp. The option of ordering it exactly to size is great. Shipping, etc. is always smooth. It certainly won't be the last time we order a net from here. Thank you very much! translated, original text: "Das Ballfangnetz ist perfekt. Wir waren lange auf der Suche nach guten (und bezahlbaren) Netzen und sind gottseidank auf Schutznetze24 gestossen. Wir benutzen es auf unserer Golf Driving Range. Durch die gute Randeinfassung lässt es sich leicht montieren und verzieht sich nicht. Prima ist die Option der Bestellung genau nach Mass. Der Versand, etc. ist immer reibungslos. Es war sicher nicht das letzte Mal, dass wir hier ein Netz bestellt haben. Vielen Dank!"

  -  07/10/2018

I've been looking for a net like this for a long time. The quality is very good. A big advantage is that you can have the net made to your requirements.
I can recommend it without reservation.
 translated, original text: "Genau so ein Netz habe ich lange gesucht. Die Qualität ist sehr gut. Ein großer Vorteil ist, dass man das Netz nach seinen Bedürfnissen anfertigen lassen kann.
Von mir eine uneingeschränkte Empfehlung."

  -  08/07/2015

Good product. Delivery would have been quick if DHL hadn't gone on strike and we had to wait 4 weeks, but that's not the shop's fault. translated, original text: "Gutes Produkt. Lieferung wäre sicher auch schnell gewesen, wenn DHL nicht gestreikt hätte und wir 4 Wochen warten mussten, aber dafür kann ja der Shop nichts."

  -  09/02/2016

Very good quality; the nets are easy to connect to each other and can withstand intensive training sessions. Excellent product! translated, original text: "Sehr gute Qualität; die Netze lassen sich leicht miteinander verbinden und können auch bei intensiven Trainingeinsätzen gut bestehen. Ausgezeichnete Ware!"

  -  19/06/2016

Very high quality net, ideal for practicing finishing and chipping in the garden.
Fast delivery!
 translated, original text: "Qualitativ sehr hochwertiges Netz, ideal zum Üben von Abschlägen und Chippen im Garten.
Schnelle Lieferung!"

  -  15/01/2017

The network is excellent and has proven itself in practice and can be recommended without reservation. translated, original text: "Das Netz ist ausgezeichnet und hat sich in der Praxis bestens bewährt, ist uneingeschränkt zu empfehlen."

  -  03/05/2020

The ball stop is of first-class workmanship and will probably last forever. Fast delivery. Everything is top notch translated, original text: "Das Ballfangmetz ist erstklassig verarbeitet und hält wahrscheinlich ewig. Schnelle Lieferung. Alles Top"

  -  28/04/2020

Because of Corona, the golf courses are closed. So you just build a driving range in the garden translated, original text: "Wegen Corona Sind ja die Golfplätze gesperrt. Da baut man sich eben eine Driving-Range im Garten auf"

  -  26/05/2020

private golf range, super security to avoid hitting balls to the neighbors translated, original text: "private Golf Range, super Sicherung, um keine Bälle zu den Nachbarn zu schlagen"

  -  03/06/2020

The net was delivered quickly and fully meets my intended purpose. translated, original text: "Das Netz wurde schnell geliefert und entspricht völlig meinem Einsatzzweck."

  -  27/03/2017

So far everything has worked out well, will be installed shortly... translated, original text: "Bis jetzt hat alles gut geklappt,wird in Kürze angebaut..."

  -  02/08/2020

Clamped into a football goal, ideal for practicing golf. translated, original text: "Eingespannt in ein Fußballtor ideal zum Golf üben."

  -  07/01/2017

Exactly as ordered, fast delivery. translated, original text: "Exakt wie bestellt, schnelle Lieferung."

  -  12/09/2016

Fast and top quality - thank you! translated, original text: "Schnell und in Topqualität - Danke!"

  -  01/01/2017

impeccable quality translated, original text: "einwandfreie Qualität"

  -  28/08/2018

best suitability
 translated, original text: "Golf;
beste Eignung"

  -  13/05/2015

Everything is fine, thank you translated, original text: "Alles bestens, danke"

  -  04/12/2018

Golf practice facility translated, original text: "Golf Übungsanlage"

  -  02/05/2020

Perfectly suited translated, original text: "Perfekt geeignet"

  -  17/08/2017

Everything is great. translated, original text: "Alles Top."

  -  18/09/2016

good Good translated, original text: "gut gut"

Recommended accessory

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Contact Us
Schutznetze24 GmbH
Weyerberg 535614Aßlar-BerghausenHessenDE
+49 6443 4369640office@safetynet365.comhttps://safetynet365.com/templates/tpl_modified/img/logo/logo_head_en@2x.pnghttps://safetynet365.com/templates/tpl_modified/img/logo/logo_head_en@2x.png