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Aviary Net, by the m² (Custom-Made), Black

Aviary Net, by the m² (Custom-Made), Black | Safetynet365
Aviary Net, by the m² (Custom-Made), Black | Safetynet365
Aviary Net, by the m² (Custom-Made), Black | Safetynet365
Aviary Net, by the m² (Custom-Made), Black | Safetynet365
Shipping Time: 14-16 working days
Item No.: 203-020
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excl. VAT *1 23,70 € incl. VAT *2 28,20 €
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Configure your own individual made-to-measure poultry net. Choose one of the above colors and enter the desired length and width into the appropriate fields. The surface area, weight and price of the net will then be automatically calculated and shown.


The net has a border measuring approx. 7 mm in thickness all around (see sample picture). An additional rope is sewn/linked to the border mesh. The border gives the net a neat outer edge on all sides and simultaneously ensures stable, stress-resistant anchorage points. The border and all seams are executed in the same color as the net.


The safety net consists of woven, deep-dyed polypropylene filament yarn. This is a highly tearproof and stable synthetic fibre. Thanks to the knotless weave, which is no less stable than a knotted connection, the net keeps its shape perfectly.

The material is of course 100% non-toxic, and contact with mucus membranes (mouth, eyes) is completely safe as well. Thanks to their weather-resistance and UV-stability, our safety nets are suitable for both outdoor and indoor use.


Technical Specifications
Material:high tenacity polypropylene, knotless
Material Diameter:Ø 1.5 mm
Mesh Size:20 x 20 mm
Pose of Meshs:quadratic (square)
Mesh Connection:knotless braid
Edge Design:reinforced selvage cord of approx. 7 mm
Max. Tensile Strength of a Mesh necessary force to tear a single mesh (tear resistance):250 N equal to the weight force of a mass of 25 kilograms
Tensile Breaking Force Referred to Density:7.0 cN/den
Breaking Elongation of Filament:15%
Certificate:Oeko-Tex® certificate 12.0.02466
Continuous Operating Temperature:-40 to +80 °C
Melting Point:165 °C
Washing Temperature (max.):30 °C
Yarn Moisture Regain:0%
Tensile Strength Reduction Because Of Moisture:0%
Resistance to Weak/Strong Acids measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:very good/good
Resistance to Weak/Strong Alkalis measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:good/not good
Resistance to Organic Solvents measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:good
Resistance to Benzine and Greases measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:very good
Bending Strength & Abrasion Resistance:good
UV-Resistance:300 kly
Tensile Strength After Two Years of Climatic Influences:90%
Elasticity After Years of Climatic Influences:good long-term flexibility, little elongation
Flexibility When Used in Water:stays flexible
Contraction When Used in Water:low contraction
Contraction When Used Outside:no contraction
Behavior in High Heat / Fire:melting
Electrical Characteristics:isolating, no electrical conductivity
Customs Tariff No.:56081930
Area Density:80 g/m²

Download product data sheet (PDF)


Your satisfaction and safety are very important to us. Regular quality inspections guarantee the high standard of our products. Our nets and fabric are designed to fulfil the most exacting standards and are characterised by their exceptional durability.


Not sure which net thickness is right for your specific purpose or do you perhaps have a different question? Trust our many years' experience and contact us!


Download product data sheet (PDF)


Technical Specifications
Material:high tenacity polypropylene, knotless
Material Diameter:Ø 1.5 mm
Mesh Size:20 x 20 mm
Pose of Meshs:quadratic (square)
Mesh Connection:knotless braid
Edge Design:reinforced selvage cord of approx. 7 mm
Max. Tensile Strength of a Mesh necessary force to tear a single mesh (tear resistance):250 N equal to the weight force of a mass of 25 kilograms
Tensile Breaking Force Referred to Density:7.0 cN/den
Breaking Elongation of Filament:15%
Certificate:Oeko-Tex® certificate 12.0.02466
Continuous Operating Temperature:-40 to +80 °C
Melting Point:165 °C
Washing Temperature (max.):30 °C
Yarn Moisture Regain:0%
Tensile Strength Reduction Because Of Moisture:0%
Resistance to Weak/Strong Acids measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:very good/good
Resistance to Weak/Strong Alkalis measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:good/not good
Resistance to Organic Solvents measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:good
Resistance to Benzine and Greases measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:very good
Bending Strength & Abrasion Resistance:good
UV-Resistance:300 kly
Tensile Strength After Two Years of Climatic Influences:90%
Elasticity After Years of Climatic Influences:good long-term flexibility, little elongation
Flexibility When Used in Water:stays flexible
Contraction When Used in Water:low contraction
Contraction When Used Outside:no contraction
Behavior in High Heat / Fire:melting
Electrical Characteristics:isolating, no electrical conductivity
Customs Tariff No.:56081930
Area Density:80 g/m²
Aviary Net, by the m² (Custom-Made), Black | Safetynet365
Aviary Net, by the m² (Custom-Made), Black | Safetynet365
Aviary Net, by the m² (Custom-Made), Black | Safetynet365
Kundenfoto von Aviary Net, by the m² (Custom-Made), Black
Kundenfoto von Aviary Net, by the m² (Custom-Made), Black
Kundenfoto von Aviary Net, by the m² (Custom-Made), Black
Kundenfoto von Aviary Net, by the m² (Custom-Made), Black

Customer Reviews

  -  26/06/2019

The net I ordered is used to cover a partridge aviary. The edge makes it easy to hang the net up and take it down again before the snow comes. I am very happy with the quality and the fast delivery. I no longer use wire mesh for the side walls, but silage nets. The birds cannot injure themselves on them. The demountable aviary is 6 x 6 x 2 m. It is of course necessary to secure it with electricity from an electric fence. No net successfully keeps foxes and martens away. translated, original text: "Das bestellte Netz dient zur Abdeckung einer Rebhuhnvoliere. Durch den Randabschluss lässt sich das Netz leicht anhängen und vor dem Schnee wieder abbauen. Mit der Qualität und der schnellen Lieferung bon ich sehr zufrieden. Für die Seitenwände verwende ich kein Drahtgitter mehr, sondern Silonetze. Sie Vögel können sich daran nicht verletzen. Die zerlegbare Voliere ist 6 x 6 x 2 m. Sicherung durch Strom aus Weidezaungerät ist selbstverständlich notwendig. Kein Netz hält Fuchs und Marder erfolgreich ab."

  -  20/09/2021

Yes, it wasn't cheap, but it's worth it. We secured part of our chicken run with it and are happy not only with the quality, but also with the look. We had previously used a cheap net that lost its shape on the first day and always looked messy. We are sure that this net will last for many years. The 5 stars are absolutely deserved. Thanks again! translated, original text: "Ja, es war nicht ganz billig, aber es lohnt sich. Wir haben einen Teil unseres Hühnerauslaufs damit gesichert und freuen uns
nicht nur über die Qualität, sondern auch über den Anblick. Zuvor hatten wir ein Billig-Netz verwendet welches schon am 1. Tag
an Form verlor und so immer einen unordentlichen Anblick bot. Wir sind uns sicher, dass dieses Netz viele Jahre halten wird.
Die 5 Sterne sind absolut verdient. Danke noch einmal!"

  -  06/12/2020

Pigeons prevented from entering the open stairwell (14th floor) - installed without drilling - two wooden poles at the top and bottom between the walls - now there is no need to wade through pigeon droppings.
For the picture: the net was tied to the two wooden poles with waterproof cord. This construction can also withstand snowfall.
Mesh size = approx. 20 mm.
 translated, original text: "Taubeneinflug in das offene Treppenhaus verhindert (14. Stockwerk) - montiert ohne Bohren - zwei Holzstangen oben und unten zwischen den Wänden verspannt - jetzt ist Ruhe mit dem Waten durch Taubenhinterlassenschaften.
Zum Bild: das Netz wurde mit wasserfester Schnur an den beiden Holzstangen angebunden. Diese Konstruktion hält auch Schneefall stand.
Maschenweite = ca. 20 mm."

  -  18/06/2020

After our pond was "plundered" by cranes, we decided to get a high-quality protective net. We were amazed at the good quality we received. The net fits perfectly, is well made and now protects our fish :-). If we need one again, we will be happy to order from here again. translated, original text: "Wir haben uns nach einer "Kranichplünderung" unseres Teiches für ein qualitativ hochwertiges Schutznetz entschieden. Wir waren erstaunt, welch gute Qualität wir erhalten haben. Das Netz passt prima, ist gut verarbeitet und schützt jetzt unsere Fische :-). Falls wieder eines nötig ist, bestellen wir gerne wieder hier."

  -  28/05/2020

We bought this net for our chicken run and are very happy with it. The first one is now a year old and we ordered this net again for the extended run.
The entire process of this order, including delivery, was smooth and uncomplicated.
Highly recommended.
 translated, original text: "Wir haben dieses Netz für unseren Hühnerauslauf gekauft und sind sehr zufrieden. Das erste ist jetzt ein Jahr alt und für den erweiterten Auslauf dieses Netz nochmals bestellt.
Die ganz Abwicklung dieser Bestellung samt Lieferung verlief reibungslos und unkompliziert.
Sehr zum Weiterempfehlen."

  -  05/05/2020

Product OK - welding the two border ends to make them as round as the other "corners" would certainly be an aesthetic plus point! translated, original text: "Produkt o.k. - die Verschweißung der beiden Umrandungsenden auch so rund hinzubekommen wie die übrigen "Ecken" wäre sicherlich ein ästhetischer Pluspunkt!"

  -  04/07/2022

Cover for our turtle enclosure.
Everything went great from ordering to delivery. Quality meets our expectations, very good.
 translated, original text: "Abdeckung für unser Schildkrötengehege.
Alles super geklappt von der Bestellung bis zur Lieferung. Qualität entspricht unseren Erwartungen, sehr gut."

  -  17/09/2019

Absolutely great net, made to measure, I am really very satisfied, the price for this quality is very good, I can only recommend it translated, original text: "Absolut super Netz, dass noch auf Mass bin wirklich sehr zufrieden der Preis für diese Qualität ist sehr gut kann ich nur weiter empfehlen"

  -  10/01/2017

The ordered dimensions fit and the beaks of the "vultures" cannot harm the net. translated, original text: "Die bestellten Maße passen und die Schnäbel der "Geier" können dem Netz nichts anhaben."

  -  22/10/2021

I used it to fence my chicken coop because it is much more flexible than wire mesh. translated, original text: "Ich habe meinen Hühnerstall damit vergittert, da es viel flexibler als Drahtgeflecht ist."

  -  26/04/2019

Top product. I'm super satisfied. My tortoises are now safe from above;) translated, original text: "Top Produkt. Bin super zufrieden. Meine landschildkröten sind jetz sicher von oben;)"

  -  16/01/2017

Very good workmanship, delivered to measure, very durable translated, original text: "Sehr gute Verarbeitung, passgenau nach Mass geliefert. Sehr strapazierfähig"

  -  18/01/2017

I got what I ordered. It fits perfectly. Thank you. translated, original text: "Habe bekommen was ich bestellt habe. Passt einfach. Danke."

  -  02/07/2016

Perfect. The size is as ordered. Very sturdy! translated, original text: "Perfekt. Die Größe ist so wie bestellt. Sehr stabil!"

  -  03/07/2017

Communication very good, material good, dimensions correct. translated, original text: "Kommunikation sehr gut, Material gut Maße stimmten."

  -  15/08/2016

Super fit, fast delivery translated, original text: "Super Pasform schnelle Zusendung"

  -  27/09/2017

Great workmanship, thank you very much translated, original text: "Super Verarbeitung vielen dank"

  -  07/05/2017

Everything great translated, original text: "Alles Super"

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Schutznetze24 GmbH
Weyerberg 535614Aßlar-BerghausenHessenDE
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