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Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm)

Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Shipping Time: 12-14 working days
Item No.: 215-100
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excl. VAT *1 20,34 € incl. VAT *2 24,20 €
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Configure your own individual made-to-measure safety net. Choose one of the above colors and enter the desired length and width into the appropriate fields. The surface area, weight and price of the net will then be automatically calculated and shown.


The net has a border measuring approx. 7 mm in thickness all around (see sample picture). An additional rope is sewn/linked to the border mesh. The border gives the net a neat outer edge on all sides and simultaneously ensures stable, stress-resistant anchorage points. The border and all seams are executed in the same color as the net.


The safety net consists of woven, deep-dyed polypropylene filament yarn. This is a highly tearproof and stable synthetic fibre. Thanks to the knotless weave, which is no less stable than a knotted connection, the net keeps its shape perfectly.

The material is of course 100% non-toxic, and contact with mucus membranes (mouth, eyes) is completely safe as well. Thanks to their weather-resistance and UV-stability, our safety nets are suitable for both outdoor and indoor use.


Technical Specifications
Material:high tenacity polypropylene, knotless
Material Diameter:Ø 4.0 mm
Mesh Size:100 x 100 mm
Pose of Meshs:quadratic (square)
Mesh Connection:knotless braid
Edge Design:reinforced selvage cord of approx. 7 mm
Max. Tensile Strength of a Mesh necessary force to tear a single mesh (tear resistance):1600 N equal to the weight force of a mass of 163 kilograms
Tensile Breaking Force Referred to Density:7.0 cN/den
Breaking Elongation of Filament:15%
Certificate:Oeko-Tex® certificate 12.0.02466
Continuous Operating Temperature:-40 to +80 °C
Melting Point:165 °C
Washing Temperature (max.):30 °C
Yarn Moisture Regain:0%
Tensile Strength Reduction Because Of Moisture:0%
Resistance to Weak/Strong Acids measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:very good/good
Resistance to Weak/Strong Alkalis measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:good/not good
Resistance to Organic Solvents measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:good
Resistance to Benzine and Greases measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:very good
Bending Strength & Abrasion Resistance:good
UV-Resistance:300 kly
Tensile Strength After Two Years of Climatic Influences:90%
Elasticity After Years of Climatic Influences:good long-term flexibility, little elongation
Flexibility When Used in Water:stays flexible
Contraction When Used in Water:low contraction
Contraction When Used Outside:no contraction
Behavior in High Heat / Fire:melting
Electrical Characteristics:isolating, no electrical conductivity
Customs Tariff No.:56081930
Area Density:110 g/m²

Download product data sheet (PDF)


Your satisfaction and safety are very important to us. Regular quality inspections guarantee the high standard of our products. Our nets and fabric are designed to fulfil the most exacting standards and are characterised by their exceptional durability.


Not sure which net thickness is right for your specific purpose or do you perhaps have a different question? Trust our many years' experience and contact us!


Download product data sheet (PDF)


Technical Specifications
Material:high tenacity polypropylene, knotless
Material Diameter:Ø 4.0 mm
Mesh Size:100 x 100 mm
Pose of Meshs:quadratic (square)
Mesh Connection:knotless braid
Edge Design:reinforced selvage cord of approx. 7 mm
Max. Tensile Strength of a Mesh necessary force to tear a single mesh (tear resistance):1600 N equal to the weight force of a mass of 163 kilograms
Tensile Breaking Force Referred to Density:7.0 cN/den
Breaking Elongation of Filament:15%
Certificate:Oeko-Tex® certificate 12.0.02466
Continuous Operating Temperature:-40 to +80 °C
Melting Point:165 °C
Washing Temperature (max.):30 °C
Yarn Moisture Regain:0%
Tensile Strength Reduction Because Of Moisture:0%
Resistance to Weak/Strong Acids measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:very good/good
Resistance to Weak/Strong Alkalis measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:good/not good
Resistance to Organic Solvents measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:good
Resistance to Benzine and Greases measured at 25 °C ambient temperature:very good
Bending Strength & Abrasion Resistance:good
UV-Resistance:300 kly
Tensile Strength After Two Years of Climatic Influences:90%
Elasticity After Years of Climatic Influences:good long-term flexibility, little elongation
Flexibility When Used in Water:stays flexible
Contraction When Used in Water:low contraction
Contraction When Used Outside:no contraction
Behavior in High Heat / Fire:melting
Electrical Characteristics:isolating, no electrical conductivity
Customs Tariff No.:56081930
Area Density:110 g/m²
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm) | Safetynet365
Kundenfoto von Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm)
Kundenfoto von Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm)
Kundenfoto von Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm)
Kundenfoto von Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm)
Kundenfoto von Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm)
Kundenfoto von Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm)
Kundenfoto von Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm)
Kundenfoto von Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm)
Kundenfoto von Custom-Made Safety Net (4.0/100 mm)

Customer Reviews

  -  02/07/2017

Net ordered according to specified dimensions and delivered as ordered. The workmanship and strength of the safety net are of very good quality. This product can only be recommended because you can be sure that the children for whom it was installed on the balcony will no longer be able to climb over the railing and fall into the depths. Thanks to the manufacturer translated, original text: "Netz bestellt nach vorgegebenen Masenangaben und geliefert wie bestellt. Die Verarbeitung und Stärke des Schutznetzes sind von der Qualitat her sehr gut. Dieses Produkt kann man nur weiterempfehlen da man sicher ist, daß die Kinder für die man es am Balkon angebracht hat nicht mehr über das Geländer steigen können und in die Tiefe fallen. Danke an den Hersteller"

  -  08/08/2022

I ordered the net because my dog can unfortunately run through our fence. I ordered it in grey and it is exactly the same height and length as the fence - great solution. Cat and hedgehog can still fit through the fence and it still looks good! I am glad that I found the website on the internet and the delivery was even quicker than expected. translated, original text: "Habe das Netz bestellt da mein Hund leider durch unseren Zaun laufen kann ? Habe es in grau bestellt und genau in der Höhe der und Länge des Zauns -super Lösung Katze und Igel passen noch durch der Fiffi nicht mehr und sieht auch noch gut aus ! Bin froh das ich die Seite im Internet gefunden habe und die Lieferung ging auch noch schneller als angekündigt"

  -  29/03/2022

We have stretched the net in a frame and attached it to the wall. This means it offers storage space for:
Backpacks, bicycle helmets, gloves, hiking sticks...
It is also possible to quickly hang something up.
We are very impressed with the quality of the net and the good workmanship.
Thank you very much
 translated, original text: "Wir haben das Netz in einem Rahmen verspannt und an der Wand befestigt. So bietet es Aufbewahrungsmöglichkeit für:
Rucksäcke, Fahrradhelme, Handschuhe, Wanderstöcke ....
Es besteht auch mal die Möglichkeit schnell etwas aufzuhängen.
Wir sind sehr begeistert von der Qualität des Netzes und der guten Verarbeitung.
Vielen Dank"

  -  06/12/2019

To date, I have not needed any protection for my self-supporting staircase from the ground floor to the first floor. Now that the grandchildren are here more often, I had to come up with a protection that combines functionality and design. The safety nets from Safetynet365 have done this very well. translated, original text: "An meiner freitragenden Treppe vom EG ins OG benötigte ich bis zum heutigen Tag keine Absicherung. Da nun die Enkelkinder des Öfteren da sind, musste ich mir eine Absicherung einfallen lassen, die Funktionalität und Design in Einklang bringt. Das ist mit den Schutznetzen von Schutznetz24 bestens geglückt."

  -  05/12/2016

We have installed the safety nets as fall protection on our approximately 2.50 m high sleeping levels (from the floor of the sleeping level to the roof) and are very satisfied with the simple installation (thanks to the clear instructions on your website) and the convincing functionality with a good price-performance ratio. translated, original text: "Wir haben die Schutznetze als Fallschutz an unseren ca. 2,50 m hohen Schlafebenen (von Boden Schlafebene an Dach) angebracht und sind sehr mit der einfachen Montage (Dank anschaulicher Anleitung auf Ihrer Internetseite) und der überzeugenden Funktionalität bei gutem Preis-Leistungsverhältnis zufrieden."

  -  03/06/2020

We bought 3 of these nets to secure our balconies for our children. The nets are very well made and very strong. So there is no danger of them tearing!
Would buy the product again at any time and would happily recommend it to others!
 translated, original text: "Wir haben 3 dieser Netze für die Sicherung unserer Balkone für unsere Kinder gekauft. Die Netzte sind sehr gut verarbeitet und sehr stark. Es besteht also keinerlei Gefahr, dass es reißen könnte!
Würden das Produkt jederzeit wieder kaufen und auch gerne weiterempfehlen!"

  -  09/02/2016

The net is as described, light, tear-resistant and we use it as a hay net over a round bale. The horses get along very well with it thanks to the large mesh size and it is much cheaper than buying a "real hay net", which is nothing more... translated, original text: "Das Netz ist wie beschrieben, leicht, reißfest und wir nutzen es als Heunetz über einem Rundballen, die Pferde kommen dank der großen Maschenweite sehr gut damit zurecht und es ist wesentlich günstiger, als wenn man ein "richtiges Heunetz" kauft, das nichts anderes ist..."

  -  12/08/2020

The net is intended as a fall protection for small children on my terrace, next to which there are two ponds. The white net also matches the terrace railings well. The safety net is very durable and weatherproof. translated, original text: "Das Netz ist als Absturzschutz für Kleinkinder an meiner Terrasse, neben der sich 2 Teiche befinden, gedacht. Das weiße Netz passt auch optisch gut zu dem Geländer der Terrasse. Das Schutznetz ist sehr belastbar und wetterfest."

  -  16/07/2024

The nets serve to demarcate the spectator area of a model airfield.
The nets are of top quality and are absolutely dimensionally stable.
 translated, original text: "Die Netze dienen als Abgrenzung des Zuschauerbereiches eines Modellflugplatzes.
Die Netze sind top verarbeitet und absolut Maßhaltig."

  -  14/01/2020

Cheap, good and fast delivery. There's nothing more to say. translated, original text: "Günstig, gut und schnelle Lieferung. Mehr gibt es dazu nicht zu sagen."

  -  10/05/2022

Fast and uncomplicated processing.
Thank you and we'll be back!
 translated, original text: "Schnelle unkomplizierte Abwicklung.
Danke und gerne wieder!"

  -  02/07/2018

Partition in the double garage. Serves its purpose well. translated, original text: "Abtrennung in der Doppelgarage. Erfüllt gut seinen Zweck."

  -  15/09/2017

good idea with the configurable sizes..... translated, original text: "gute Idee mit den konfigurierbaren Größen....."

  -  24/10/2023

Top cover net, super quality translated, original text: "Top Abdecknetz, Super Qualität"

  -  18/02/2024

Fall protection for gallery. translated, original text: "Absturzsicherung für Empore."

  -  22/04/2021

Ball protection net translated, original text: "Ballschutznetz"

  -  10/08/2017

Everything fine translated, original text: "Alles bestens"

*1 excluding VAT plus shipping charges*2 including VAT plus shipping charges
Contact Us
Schutznetze24 GmbH
Weyerberg 535614Aßlar-BerghausenHessenDE
+49 6443 4369640office@safetynet365.comhttps://safetynet365.com/templates/tpl_modified/img/logo/logo_head_en@2x.pnghttps://safetynet365.com/templates/tpl_modified/img/logo/logo_head_en@2x.png